Grammar Translation Method (GTM)


Grammar Translation Method (GTM)

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    Grammar Translation Method (GTM) has a general instructional objective, namely to develop students' in-depth understanding of grammar and so that students master the grammar structure rules, especially in the target language. According to Fadhly (2023), the objective goal of this method is so that students are able to understand grammar in depth, and students also have the ability to translate texts from the first language into the target language properly and correctly.

    GTM also has several specific instructional objectives, according to Fadhly (2023), the first objective is so that students are able to understand grammatical structures. With this method, students are not only able to understand but are also able to identify various grammatical structures or grammar rules in the target language. For example, students are able to understand and identify the use of tenses, agreements, prepositions, etc.

    The second objective is vocabulary usage, by using the GTM method, students will be able to use vocabulary correctly and appropriate for the context. In addition, students will be able to use grammar rules correctly (Fadhly, 2023). The next objective is students have the translation skills, with GTM students will gain the ability to translate texts from the first language into the target language using appropriate grammar and in-depth understanding.

    According to Fadhly (2023), the fourth objective is understanding literary texts. With this method, students will be able to understand literary texts in the target language, not only understand but also students will be able to analyze the text with a deep comprehension. For example, students can understand and analyze poetry, short stories and other literary texts. The next objective is reading comprehension, students are able to read texts in the target language using their understanding and can analyze the meaning and messages contained in the texts they read.

    The next objective is that students can achieve writing skills. According to Fadhly (2023), students will be able to write texts in the target language by using correct grammatical rules and adhering to sentence structure rules, as well as by using in-depth understanding. In this sense, students can create writing that complies with grammatical rules and can be read and understood by writers and the general public.

    With GTM students can develop critical thinking skills, students can develop their critical thinking by analyzing texts, so that students can understand the meaning contained in the reading context in the target language, and can evaluate the word choices and sentence structures in accordance with linguistic rules in the target language (Fadhly, 2023). Furthermore, the objective that students will achieve when using this method is that students can understand the cultural context. Students can learn and understand cultural aspects related to the target language. Students can also understand how language is used in a cultural context.

    The final specific instructional goal is that students can develop foreign language proficiency, by mastering grammar and also mastering vocabulary in the target language, students are able to develop and achieve the target language proficiency. With these objectives, it is hoped that students will be able to achieve a deep understanding of grammar and can also translate texts from their first language into the target language correctly and accurately using the Grammat Translation Method.

    For a long time, GTM has been an essential component in language instruction. GTM incorporates a number of advantages and disadvantages that have been recognized and investigated via educational research and practice. It is based on the explicit teaching of grammar principles and translation tasks.

    GTM offers advantages such as enhanced grammar, enhanced reading and writing abilities, increased cultural awareness, enhanced cognitive functions, and suitability for particular language pairs. Apart from that, GTM has disadvantage namely limited oral fluency. According to (Natsir & Sanjaya, 2014) quoted by Fadhly (2023), GTM has come into criticism for not placing enough focus on speaking and listening abilities. Lack of experience in natural conversation might lead to learners having low oral proficiency and fluency. Another disadvantage is lack of communicative competence. According to (Chang, 2011) quoted by Fadhly (2023), students may not be sufficiently prepared for target language communication in everyday life via GTM. Its main focus is on literary language, which may not necessarily match with the language used in everyday conversation.

Reference : Fadhly, F.Z. (2023). EFL Teaching Methodology. Edukati Inti Cemerlang.

Written by : Arin Sabila


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